~ by Ruth York
Texas Family Defense Committee invites you to the Majestic Theatre Thursday, February 24, 2022, at 6:00 p.m., for a special showing of the new documentary, The Mind Polluters.
Parents, grandparents and pastors have a special invitation to this free screening. Please note that the film is not suitable for children under age 18.
This investigative documentary explores the question, “Whose values are being taught?” It shows how the vast majority of America’s public schools are prematurely sexualizing children, robbing them of their innocence, confusing and harming them intellectually and morally.
For Christian parents, public schools may not be a safe or neutral venue for their children’s education.
From the creators of Inwood Drive comes a powerful new investigative documentary film about the graphic Comprehensive Sex Ed and Social Emotional Learning being forced on children of all ages through the education system. The Mind Polluters exposes the dark realities of the intentional grooming of children into a worldview at odds with the Christian faith, a worldview of rampant sexuality, homosexuality, and transgenderism normalized through the use of pornographic and pedophilic materials.
Cast member Audrey Werner with the Matthew XVIII Group will join us for this special showing. Others featured in the film may be familiar to you: Caryl Ayala with Concerned Parents of Texas; Monica Cline of It Takes a Family; Debbie Simmons, known for her Take Back the SHAC initiative; Alex Newman with The Liberty Sentinel; and Ken Ham of Answers in Genesis, Creation Museum, Ark Encounter and more.
The battle lines have been drawn. Will parents, the Church, and the trustees of our school boards stand for Truth, or will we falter?
There is no charge, but a love offering will be taken up to defray costs.
Doors open at 5:30, so bring friends, come early, and enjoy popcorn and snacks at the concession stand.