It is hereby noticed that the following properties located at:
- 104 Ash Ave – High grass and weeds, Trash and debris
- 1503 Ave H – High grass and weeds, Trash and debris, Dangerous Building(s), Junk Vehicle
- 302 W 3rd St. – High grass and weeds, Trash and debris, Dangerous building, Fence violation
- 206 W 10th St. – High grass and weeds, Trash and debris, Dangerous building
- 506 E 20th St. – High grass and weeds, Trash and debris, Dangerous Building(s)
Have been found to be in violation of the City of Cisco health and safety codes in accordance with City ordinance Chapter 11 Article III, Sec.11-46 Weeds, grass, and other vegetation as public nuisances; Chapter 11 Article III, Sec. 11-47. – Trash and debris as public nuisances. Sec. 6-97. Dangerous Buildings – Prohibited; declared a nuisance. Sec. 6-122. (c) – Fence construction standards; Sec. 13-73. – Inoperable vehicles, inoperable motor vehicles, junked vehicles declared public nuisance; maintaining public nuisance prohibited. The City of Cisco Code Enforcement Department has made diligent efforts to contact property owners at the above listed addresses for resolution of the City Code Violations.
The addresses listed above have 30 calendar days from the date of print for abatement of the said violations. If the violations are not resolved, the City of Cisco will abate the violations at cost and fine to the various listed property owners of record. Should arrangements need to be discussed please contact the City of Cisco Code Enforcement Department at 254-442-1770, ext. 134.