Our speaker for June is Kyle Cramblit, a full-time organizer and director of staff operations at The John Birch Society serving Oklahoma and Texas. Kyle was our speaker several months ago and spoke on the Constitution. His topics are interesting and I remember being engrossed in the topic of our Constitution, to the point our time concluded far too soon.
Kyle will be at our June 13th meeting (Thursday), at the “Big Dam” Room in the Myrtle Wilks Community Center located at 1498 IH-20, Cisco, Texas. The topic is Get US Out of the United Nations. The methods the United Nations utilizes to colonize our country treaty and migrant invasion. The UN has been the primary enforcement arm of globalists. The John Birch Society has advocated for leaving the UN for years and the goal is within reach. Discussion of how to get local government out of the control of the United Nations with their sustainable development goals and their control by communists and socialists. Kyle has a logical and very informative program, if interested please attend the Eastland County Tea Party Patriots’ meeting.