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John Bird seeks re-election to the Eastland ISD Board of Trustees, Place 1

Dear Eastland ISD voters:

I have filed for re-election to the Eastland ISD board of trustees in May, and I do have an opponent.  

My family and I love Eastland. We believe it’s a great place to live and raise children, and we want to see it continue on its great path. That’s why my wife Amanda and I both look for opportunities to serve in the community.

Amanda currently serves on the Eastland Fine Arts board and is an officer for the Athletic boosters. She’s also helped organize various class fundraising projects including two basketball tournaments. She never misses an opportunity to help the school or town in any way that she can.

While I can’t compete with my wife in either service or likability, I’ve now served three terms as Eastland City Commissioner and, most recently, one term on the Eastland ISD board of trustees (place 1). I’ve taken this opportunity very seriously, and I give my decisions a lot of thought and consideration. My goal is to make the decision that is best for all our children every time.

I have experience working in both business and education. My degree is in Agriculture Education, and I taught in the public school system for four years. I’ve also managed an office in Eastland for fifteen years, and together my wife and I run a family business on the square in Eastland.

More importantly, I have three children (one is now a senior) who have all been blessed to go to Eastland Schools and who are proud Mavericks. Between the three of them we’ve experienced cross country, track, volleyball, basketball, football, band, FFA, FCCLA, FCA, Beta Club, and student government.

As you know, the board and administration are in the middle of big projects and big decisions that will affect our district for many years. I’ve been closely involved in these, dedicating a lot of time, thought, and prayer, and I would be grateful for the opportunity to see them through by serving our district in another term.

Early voting will begin in late April, and election day will be in May. When you go, please consider me for place 1 on the Eastland ISD board of trustees.

Thank you.

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