I, Jim Moylan, Jr., am seeking your vote and support for Place 7 on the Eastland Independent School District Board of Trustees. I previously held this position from 2003 through 2018 and the last eleven of those fifteen years was honored to serve as president. During this time Missy and I proudly watched our three children become the fourth generation of our family to graduate from Eastland High School. I bleed “RED and BLACK”!!!
Our School District has many incredible teachers, staff and campus directors but even the greatest people need leadership at the top whom they can trust to be Fair, Consistent and Steadfast. Over the past few years “Maverick Nation” has lost a great deal of the trust and faith of the tax payers and alumni who contribute to EISD year after year. This stems from poor communication and decision making that is REACTIVE and not PROACTIVE. While we continue to move forward, now is the time to draw on past leadership styles and wisdom to course correct and begin rebuilding the trust and faith that we have lost and establish a vision for the future.
The Board of Trustees’ top priorities should be to provide a vision for the district and to hold the superintendent accountable in pursuing the collective vision. This vision should reflect the values of our communities and the people within our district. EISD tax payers vote over 85% conservatively, and the vast majority are affiliated with our numerous local Churches. With this in mind we are a Christian conservative base, and the vision and values of those directing our school should be in line with this belief system.
All decisions should be made based on existing polices and rules set forth in EISD operating guidelines. These decisions must be made using the board’s collective diligence without allowing outside distractions and noise to interfere. This will allow us to reestablish a place of safety and respect amongst ALL students, faculty, staff and leadership. Furthermore, all individuals in EISD will be held to the same Standards of Excellence.
If we, collectively, hold true to these values and convictions through proper leadership, we can rebuild the trust and faith that has been tarnished. The best thing that we can do as a school district is to educate our students and to reveal the abilities that God has provided them and to give each one a desire to purse his or her dreams. Following this path will allow us once again to hold our heads high, and in the words of former principal, Joel Lawson say, “IT IS A GREAT DAY TO BE A MAVERICK”!!!
So, I am asking each and every one of you for your vote and support to help Make EISD Great Again.
Thank You, Jim Moylan, Jr
Political Advertisement by Jim Moylan, Jr., Candidate for EISD Board of Trustees