June 2022
Monthly Report
Calls for Service 326
Reports Generated 45
Cases Filed with DA 3
Juvenile cases 0
Transports 23
Transport Mileage 4,076
Citations 22
Warnings 32
Arrests 41
Civil Process 55
Livestock calls 75
Business Checks 77
Mental Health Services 50
Mental Health Transports 3
Jail Average daily Holding 72
If you haven’t already, please sign up for Code Red. We are using this to notify people in Eastland County of any emergencies and information that we feel is important. You can also get severe weather alerts through it. I’ve personally had it for years and it is pretty handy. You can sign up or read more about it through the county website www.eastlandcountytexas.com, texting EASTLANDCOUNTY to 99411, or calling the Sheriff’s Office, Ranger City Hall, Cisco PD, Eastland PD, or Gorman City Hall.
June was filled with working on the budget and getting it ready for next year. It’s a long a tedious process, but we are almost done. The main problems this year is dealing with inflation and the rising costs of everything imaginable and trying to predict where it lands. There are a couple of grants that I’m already working on to help us.
We continue to work with the new bail reform issues. I have been working with the judges, district attorney’s office, and the courts to better streamline the process. We also had to send all the jailers though an 8 hour course pertaining to criminal histories and how to handle them. We sent half to Young County and then hosted our own for the other half. It’s a blessing to have good relationships with the instructors and agencies where they will come here to put on the class. It saves us a lot of time and money. There are a lot of ins and outs with this reform and we are learning that there doesn’t appear to be one oversite agency that has all the answers. So we have been working with TLETS and the Office of Court Administration and each other to make sure we are in compliance. One of the things that this reform bill does is makes the court put bonding conditions on certain offenses. It is then entered into the state wide system until that person goes to court. They have to comply with those conditions or risk being put back in jail. It also makes it easier for judges to have more information on a person when setting their bonds.
We had a couple of meetings with the new software company. If you remember, all of the county public safety will start operating on the same system and sharing information. I have steadily been working on this project for about 2 years and have spoken on it several times. The servers are in and installed. They are now configuring and setting up all the agencies. This part of the setup process takes a while, but I am hoping to be up and operational by October 1st. We will all be going through a huge learning process with it after that, but it will be worth it. On a side note, it will also allow us to track all the units in the field making us safer and allowing others to see where we are in emergencies. This will also help with the cities ISO fire ratings.
I had a great meeting with all the COG region dispatch supervisors. There were multiple counties, Texas Dept of Emergency Management, Motorola, ATT, COG personnel, and 911 support companies. I was able to speak to them about the Eastland Complex Fires and some of the lessons that were learned from a dispatch and communications point of view. I also spoke to them about what we have been doing since the fires to help with communications with the public such as the Code Red system and FEMA IPAWS network.
The Carbon Fire Fest concert went very well. We only had one arrest and a few people fighting, but other than that, it went really well. Especially for as hot as it was. Special thanks to William Clark Green for setting this up for the Carbon Fire Department. Thanks to all that helped and participated for such a worthwhile event.
There was a great positive response to the firework ban and I think that most everyone understood why it needed to be done. Everyone was very respectful and we had very few firework related calls. There have been a few fires over the past several days, but not related to fireworks. Speaking of, the fire departments have been doing such a great job of getting these fires put out quickly! Its pretty amazing especially considering the extreme fire danger we have been in.
Other things that were happening in June were CodeRed training, de-escalation techniques training, policy writing training, firearms training, Crisis Center board meeting, Multi discipline Team meeting, Crimestoppers meeting, AgriLife leadership meeting, and Community health needs meeting