December 2022
Monthly Report
Calls and activities 213
Reports Generated 38
Cases Filed with DA 11
Juvenile cases 0
Transports 21
Transport Mileage 5,504
Citations 14
Warnings 26
Arrests 21
Civil Process 30
Livestock calls 46
Building Checks 70
Mental Health Services 29
Mental Health Transports 4
We held our annual Christmas Party and gave the following awards: Deputy of the Year- Barbara Fenley, Jailer of the Year- Lisa Brown, Dispatcher of the Year- Alissa Spruill. Although we have a very strong team, these three individuals made significant contributions to further the values and mission of our office through their personal actions.
We have added extra patrol services to the City of Gorman and Rising Star while they continue their search for a Chief of Police. Our Deputies have stepped up this month and accepted extra patrol shifts on their days off to accomplish this.
We have added two new Reserve Deputies to our program, they each hold a Master Peace Officer License, and bring a wealth of knowledge and a combined 45 years of experience to the Sheriff’s Office, we are excited to add them to our team.
We are continuing to educate our employees and have had several Deputies, Jailers and Dispatchers receive their next level in licensing with a combined total of over 4500 hours of training last year.
We are looking forward to 2023.
2022 Year-End Totals
Calls for Service 4778
Reports Generated 535
Cases Filed with DA 137
Juvenile cases 7
Transports 219
Transport Mileage 48,609
Citations 251
Warnings 310
Arrests 431
Civil Process 671
Livestock calls 993
Business Checks 874
Mental Health Services 420
Mental Health Transports 50
Dispatch CAD Entries 48,371
Training hours (SO) 4956
Training hours (dispatch) 1917