April 2022
Monthly Report
Calls for Service | 517 |
Reports Generated | 37 |
Cases Filed with DA | 5 |
Juvenile cases | 1 |
Transports | 7 |
Transport Mileage | 1,938 |
Citations | 22 |
Warnings | 33 |
Arrests | 7 |
Civil Process | 44 |
Livestock calls | 128 |
Business Checks | 36 |
Mental Health Services | 34 |
Mental Health Transports | 6 |
Jail Average daily Holding | 63 |
We have had a massive increase in livestock calls recently. Livestock getting out is very dangerous for motorists and it ties up officers who could be assisting others. I would ask that if you have livestock of any kind, to please check your fences. Also, please call dispatch at 254-629-1728 or the Sheriff’s Office to update your contact information.
We have been given confirmation of another year of our Mental Health Deputy Grant through Senate Bill 292. This is welcomed news as the provision of these services to our community has been vital in making a difference. This last year our program has also been recognized in a number of state lead meetings and focus groups as a model of providing rural mental health and law enforcement collaboration. Our Mental Health Deputy is grant funded and we work in collaboration with Center for Life Resources to help people in crisis. We also try to help people stay on track so they don’t go back into crisis.
We hosted a telecommunicators class here in Eastland at the Judge Bailey Center. Multiple agencies attended including Jones County, Sweetwater, Taylor County, Breckenridge, Callahan County and Eastland County. This state licensing class is required for all dispatchers and Law Enforcement administrative assistants. We had a great turn out and I’m grateful to have such a great working relationship with West Central Texas Council of Governments who worked with us to bring this class to Eastland. Normally, we have to travel for training. So having it here was a huge help.
We are currently going through a DPS TLETS audit through the rest of this month. These audits are pretty intensive where the state will go through records that have been entered into the state and national system. They will check for accuracy on warrants, protective orders, stolen property, and anything else entered. They will also be checking users, system security and a multitude of other things to make sure we are doing everything correctly
The dispatchers have been hard at work and have really stepped up to meet some of the challenges they are facing out there. The call volume has increased significantly out there in the last few years. Not only have they been working on the audit but they are training new dispatchers, covering while dispatchers go to school, and still running one dispatcher short.
Several months ago, I ordered new vehicles to replace ones that have come to the end of their life. I was able to get grant funding to help partially pay for them. I had originally requested approximately 41k through the grant but was ultimately able to get approximately 88k to put toward the project. This is great news for us! The vehicles should be ready within the next month or two. Usually vehicles happen faster, but as we all know, there is a real problem getting the computer chips that go in them.
We have been busy here, but all in all things have been going well. I really appreciate all of your support.