Our junk, may be your treasures

Over the years the building at 112/114 South Seaman in Eastland has been the storage facility for former owners, tenants and others. So, it has come time to have a clean out of the multitude of items left over the years.
Eastland County Museum will be holding a Rummage Sale from 9 a.m. until 2 p.m. on Thursday, November 3 through Saturday, November 5. The sale will be held on the first floor of the Museum.
The list of items to be sold is long, but includes antique waterfall bedroom suite, collectible toy pianos, toys, furniture, dishes, crystal ware, China ware, Depression glass, antique electric cook stove, unopened boxes of track lighting fixtures, knick knacks, odds & ends, and much more! All sale items have no known historical relevance to Eastland County or to the Museum.
All sales are final. All items sold as is. Cash & Carry! Bring your own boxes, bags, shopping carts or wagons!
Cash, Checks, Credit/debit cards, PayPal and Venmo.

Eastland County Museum is a charitable organization as designated by IRS Code 501 (c)(3) and is funded solely through fundraisers, donations, office rental and from the Eastland County Commissioners Court. All donations are appreciated and can be tax deductible.