July 21, 2023 – Eastland County Historical Commission has been notified today that two state historic subject marker applications submitted in March of this year, have been approved by the Texas Historical Commission.
The markers, in recognition of the 11th Court of Appeals in Eastland, and the robbery of the Ranger National Guard Armory by Bonnie & Clyde, were sponsored by Eastland attorney Jim Farrar. Mr. Farrar, along with Eastland County Historical Commission Board Member and Marker Chair, Sarah McCleskey, worked with a consultant on many of the details needed for the applications. Commission chairman Terry Simmons located photographs and other details necessary to complete the applications.
The Texas Historical Commission will submit the information for the inscription procedure which is a year-long process with verbiage and editing back and forth between the THC and ECHC. Once the inscription has final approval the information will be sent to the foundry and the marker will be cast. It could be the fall of 2024 before the markers are ready for installation and dedication.
Once completed the 11th Court of Appeals marker will be installed on the south side of the Eastland County Courthouse near the entry. The Bonnie & Clyde marker will be placed at Ranger City Hall.
As one of the most visible programs of the Texas Historical Commission (THC), historical markers commemorate diverse topics in Texas history, including: the history and architecture of houses, commercial and public buildings, religious congregations, and military sites; events that changed the course of local and state history; and individuals who have made lasting contributions to our state, community organizations, and businesses.
Historical markers can be found in all 254 Texas counties. Age, significance, and architectural requirements govern the eligibility of topics and sites when applying for either a subject marker, Historic Texas Cemetery marker, or a Recorded Texas Historic Landmark marker.
Eastland County Historical Commission is a county court appointed board and those currently serving are Donna Thackerson, Linda Meroney, Sheila Bond, Julie Elrod, Sarah McCleskey, Samantha McGinnis and Terry Simmons. Judy Green serves as a board member emeritus.