Cisco Writers Club invites you to join us Thursday, August 4, to learn about the international writing phenomenon known as NaNoWriMo. The meeting begins at 7:00 p.m. in the Hilton Center, 309 Conrad Hilton Blvd., Cisco.
CWC member Helen Cozart will share information about how to participate in this intense writing experience.
NaNoWriMo began in 1999, officially becoming a nonprofit in 2006. Last year 427,653 writers participated in their programs, including 90,561 students and educators in the Young Writers Program.
“Now, each year on November 1, hundreds of thousands of people around the world begin to write, determined to end the month with 50,000 words of a brand-new novel,” reads the organization’s website. “They enter the month as elementary school teachers, mechanics, or stay-at-home parents. They leave novelists.”
There are rules, lots of reasons to do it, and cool prizes if you complete it. This meeting will help you prepare by November 1 to dive right into this challenge with your own raging torrent of words.
You might just surprise yourself!
Join us at 7:00 p.m. Thursday, August 4, to learn more.