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Do you know your Legislators?  Most people vote for the candidate that fits their values, and once in office, are they voting the way we thought they would?  Do you want to keep Texas conservative?  We need to be more proactive to be sure our legislators are doing the job we elected them to do.

Brett Rogers has a website, Grassroots America, where you can check on your legislators.  Constitutional founding concepts are important to Mr. Rogers.  Brett wants to educate, empower and unite our state of Texas.  After all our government is suppose to be “We the people”. 

With Brett Rogers transparency tool, we can check voting records, who funded them, do they vote with lobbyists or are they voting the way we expected?  Mr. Rogers gets his information from the official Texas Legislature online website, but makes it easier for us to understand in his transparency tool, Grassroots America.

Brett Rogers will be at the Tea Party Patriots of Eastland County meeting on February 8, 2024 at 6:30 p.m., at Myrtle Wilkes Community Center located at 1498 I-20W, Cisco, Texas

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