“The Cynthia Ann and Quanah Parker Exhibit, A Woman OF Two Worlds and a Man IN Two Worlds.” is a traveling exhibit of rarely seen photos of Quanah and Cynthia Ann Parker. The photo exhibit will be on display at the Eastland County Museum, 114 S. Seaman Street, Eastland beginning May 4, 2023 and run through June 10, 2023. Eastland County Museum is open each Thursday through Saturday from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. Entry to the Eastland County Museum is always free of charge.
Cynthia Ann and Quanah Parker are two important names in U.S. frontier history. Much can be learned from the dramatic story of these two courageous individuals. In 1836, a Comanche raiding party took Cynthia Ann from her family. Over the following years, she became wife to a Comanche chief and mother to children, including Quanah. After Cynthia Ann was taken back by Texas Rangers, Quanah became one of the most important Comanche leaders both in war and peace.
The photo exhibit tells the story of the lives of these two persons caught between two different worlds. The Lakes Trail Region views this traveling exhibit as a way to educate visitors about their lives.
Several individuals and organizations are involved in this effort. Douglas Harman, board member of the Lakes Trail Region and Clara Ruddell, Historic Photograph Research and Consulting, worked with the Lakes Trail Program to put this exhibit together. Clara Ruddell is the principal researcher assembling the photo materials. The Redstone Visual Impression Company, through its graphic designer Paula Abney, created the exhibit materials for display. Many organizations and individuals have assisted in making available photos and information which have gone into the creation of the exhibit. Special recognition must be given to the Comanche Nation and the many members of the Parker family for keeping this story alive and sharing materials and information. Ben Tahmahkera, great great grandson of Quanah, has provided special inspiration for the project. This exhibit is the beginning of an effort to bring more attention to the important Native American heritage in our region. The exhibit is sponsored by The Texas Trail of Fame.
The Texas Lakes Trail Region is one of the ten Heritage Trail Regions created through the Texas Historical Commission.
For more information about the exhibit in Eastland call 254-631-0437.
This exhibit is sponsored in part by a grant from Humanities Texas, the state affiliate of the National Endowment for the Humanities.