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Eastland City Commission updated their Drought Contingency Plan at their August meeting. Due to current drought conditions and Stage 2 Restrictions, the update PROHIBITS ANY OUTSIDE WATERING DURING THE HOURS OF 9 A.M. and 7 P.M. ALL watering must be between the hours of 7 p.m. and 9 a.m. on allotted days based on addresses and for a total of 4 hours. Stage 2 Restrictions allow addresses with even numbers to water on Saturdays and Wednesdays only and odd numbered addresses on Sundays and Thursdays only for 4 hours each day.

It was also noted at the meeting without any significant rainfall in the near future, Eastland County Water Supply District may enact STAGE 3 Restrictions within the next 30 days. Stage 3 restrictions are more severe and include a surcharge for any use of more than 2,000 gallons in a billing period.

For questions on these or other City matters please stop by Eastland City Hall, 113 E. Commerce St. or call during business hours at 254-629-8321.

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