This is the day that the Ranger College, City of Ranger, and regular citizens work together to help beautify our community. The Collection Station (aka “the dump ground”) is open FREE that day to citizens with a Ranger water bill. All brush will be hauled to that location. Six large dumpsters will be located downtown. Metal will be recycled. College student work crews will help citizens that need assistance. If you, or your neighbor, have something that you’d like to “vanish” – call or email one of the names below to be put on a list.
If you need assistance or want more information, please call or email Diana McCullough at the Ranger City Library (254/647-1880 or RCL@txol.net) or Shanarya Moton at the Ranger College (254/267-7934 or SMoton@RangerCollege.edu).
Pictured above are previous Champions. Ranger College softball players made hard work fun!