The City of Eastland Historic Preservation Board has set the following dates for their 2023 Historic Preservation Grant period: Begin accepting applications April 1, 2022 through July 1, 2022. The board anticipates making recommendations from the applications to the City Commission at their regular September monthly meeting. The 2023 Grant period runs October 1, 2022 through September 30, 2023. Approved grants must be completed and reimbursed by September 15, 2023 as the grant period will close on September 30.
The Historic Grants are funded from city collected hotel motel taxes. These taxes are not available for general fund items through the City such as street repair, water/sewer work as directed by the State of Texas. Each year the Eastland City Commission sets aside $35,000 for the grants.
In the past the City of Eastland has awarded grant funds of over $304,958 for structural repairs and or façade restoration to properties located within the downtown Historic District in projects totaling more than $493,165. The grants are a matching award based on the work requested. Grants paid out in the past have included matches of 50/50 to 75/25. In an extreme case a 100% grant has been awarded where structural integrity was at risk.
If you own property within the Historic District (see attached map) and the property is in need of façade or structural work, whether it be windows, doors, awnings, roof or more, pick up an application today at Eastland City Hall. Grant funds are not available for general maintenance issues unless part of an overall project.
For more information on the Historic Preservation Grant please contact Eastland City Hall at 254-629-8321.